
#WhyIDidntReport is a social movement that provides a platform for the survivors of sexual violence/assault, by letting them share their stories of #WhyIDidntReport and feel they’re heard, believed, and never alone.
In collaboration with Thomas Shim, Bowook Yoon

In 2018, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford bravely testified against then-U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers in the summer of 1982.
The president then targeted Dr.Ford and tried to cast doubt on her allegations.

As a response, we created…
A dedicated Instagram account (@WhyIDidntReport) and a simple Instagram template for survivors all over the world to share the reasons why they didn't report their sexual assaults. (anonymous upon request) with the hashtag #WhyIDidntReport

In conjunction,
We posted more than 5000 copies of fliers all around NYC. We were also able to reach other cities and countries around the world through our volunteers’ help.

Via Instagram
People take a photo of the flyer and type their stories on the Instagram Story feature. If they tag our Instagram account @whyididntreport, we also share it on our Story feature.


Everyday, we’ve got hundreds of stories shared from the survivors.
Millions of brave survivors have messaged us their stories to be shared on @WhyIDidntReport and those stories got billions of social impression.

To further amplify the message…
We installed a large scale #WhyIDidntReport posters in high-traffic locations in NYC. We also collaborated with Kat Sullivan, a survivor of child sexual abuse, to open “#WhyIDidntReport Pop-up Gallery" to give survivors a safe place to share their experiences and further the healing process.

Please follow our Instagram account @whyididntreport to see the heartbreaking stories from all brave survivors.